Today Silver Prices in Vanuatu

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Chart for spot Silver/Oz

Current Silver Prices in Vanuatu

Silver Weights Price in VUV
1 Gram: 112.7 VUV
10 Grams: 1127 VUV
1 Kilo: 112662.4 VUV
1 Tola: 1314.1 VUV
1 Ounce: 3504.2 VUV
1 Vori: 1314.1 VUV
1 Baht: 1657.3 VUV

To calculate the silver price, enter a unit of weight

999 Silver Prices

999 Silver Price in VUV
1 Gram 112.66 VUV
1 Kilo 112,662 VUV
1 Tola 1,314.07 VUV
1 Ounce 3,504.20 VUV
1 Baht 1,717.43 VUV
1 Bori 1,314.07 VUV

958 Silver Prices

958 Silver Price in VUV
1 Gram 107.93 VUV
1 Kilo 107,931 VUV
1 Tola 1,258.88 VUV
1 Ounce 3,357.02 VUV
1 Baht 1,645.30 VUV
1 Bori 1,258.88 VUV

925 Silver Prices

925 Silver Price in VUV
1 Gram 104.21 VUV
1 Kilo 104,213 VUV
1 Tola 1,215.52 VUV
1 Ounce 3,241.38 VUV
1 Baht 1,588.62 VUV
1 Bori 1,215.51 VUV

800 Silver Prices

800 Silver Price in VUV
1 Gram 90.13 VUV
1 Kilo 90,130 VUV
1 Tola 1,051.26 VUV
1 Ounce 2,803.36 VUV
1 Baht 1,373.94 VUV
1 Bori 1,051.25 VUV

585 Silver Prices in Vanuatu

585 Silver Price in VUV
1 Gram 65.91 VUV
1 Kilo 65,908 VUV
1 Tola 768.73 VUV
1 Ounce 2,049.96 VUV
1 Baht 1,004.70 VUV
1 Bori 768.73 VUV


Today silver price in Vanuatu in VUV. Here you can find the latest information of different karats of silver. For example, 24K (999, fine and pure), 23K (958), 22K (916 Jewellery ideal), 21k, 18k, 14k, and 12k, etc. The information on this page is updated according to Efate (Pacific) time (GMT+11:00) that has mentioned below.

Information about the above silver and currency

Silver Price Updated at 03:12:15 am (GMT Time) , and
Timezone= Pacific Efate time (GMT+11:00) at 02:12:15 pm
Flag of Vanuatu
VUV updated on 22-Dec-2024 at 02:05:06 pm (Pacific Efate time)