Last 6 Months Gold Prices in Honduras

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   Last 6 Months Gold Price

Date Gold Price per Gram
Current Price 2148.1 HNL
06-Nov-2024 2142.7 HNL
05-Nov-2024 2209.1 HNL
04-Nov-2024 2202.2 HNL
03-Nov-2024 2211.5 HNL
02-Nov-2024 2211.5 HNL
01-Nov-2024 2198.9 HNL
31-Oct-2024 2210.7 HNL
30-Oct-2024 2246.9 HNL
29-Oct-2024 2234.4 HNL
28-Oct-2024 2208.7 HNL
27-Oct-2024 2228 HNL
26-Oct-2024 2228 HNL
25-Oct-2024 2226.4 HNL
24-Oct-2024 2200.2 HNL
23-Oct-2024 2184.5 HNL
22-Oct-2024 2208.8 HNL
21-Oct-2024 2186.9 HNL
20-Oct-2024 2192.7 HNL
19-Oct-2024 2192.7 HNL
18-Oct-2024 2192.7 HNL
17-Oct-2024 2165.5 HNL
16-Oct-2024 2154.3 HNL
15-Oct-2024 2141 HNL
14-Oct-2024 2116.5 HNL
13-Oct-2024 2118.6 HNL
12-Oct-2024 2117.6 HNL
11-Oct-2024 2117.6 HNL
10-Oct-2024 2096.6 HNL
09-Oct-2024 2090.6 HNL
08-Oct-2024 2093.3 HNL
07-Oct-2024 2116.9 HNL
06-Oct-2024 2125.5 HNL
05-Oct-2024 2125.5 HNL
04-Oct-2024 2126.5 HNL
03-Oct-2024 2128.2 HNL
02-Oct-2024 2123.7 HNL
01-Oct-2024 2127.3 HNL
30-Sep-2024 2103.1 HNL
29-Sep-2024 2118.9 HNL
28-Sep-2024 2118.4 HNL
27-Sep-2024 2118.4 HNL
26-Sep-2024 2131.3 HNL
25-Sep-2024 2121 HNL
24-Sep-2024 2121 HNL
23-Sep-2024 2103 HNL
22-Sep-2024 2084 HNL
21-Sep-2024 2084 HNL
20-Sep-2024 2087.9 HNL
19-Sep-2024 2070 HNL
18-Sep-2024 2048 HNL
17-Sep-2024 2051.1 HNL
16-Sep-2024 2057.1 HNL
15-Sep-2024 2056.2 HNL
14-Sep-2024 2053.9 HNL
13-Sep-2024 2056.9 HNL
12-Sep-2024 2039 HNL
11-Sep-2024 2002.5 HNL
10-Sep-2024 2006.7 HNL
09-Sep-2024 1998.8 HNL
08-Sep-2024 1989.2 HNL
07-Sep-2024 1988.9 HNL
06-Sep-2024 1989.3 HNL
05-Sep-2024 2004.9 HNL
04-Sep-2024 1982.4 HNL
03-Sep-2024 1987.4 HNL
02-Sep-2024 1992.3 HNL
01-Sep-2024 1994.4 HNL
31-Aug-2024 1991.3 HNL
30-Aug-2024 1990.5 HNL
29-Aug-2024 2008.9 HNL
28-Aug-2024 1993.5 HNL
27-Aug-2024 2011.4 HNL
26-Aug-2024 2008.7 HNL
25-Aug-2024 1987.3 HNL
24-Aug-2024 1982.6 HNL
23-Aug-2024 2005 HNL
22-Aug-2024 1983.5 HNL
21-Aug-2024 2004.8 HNL
20-Aug-2024 2001.4 HNL
19-Aug-2024 1994.5 HNL
18-Aug-2024 1989.6 HNL
17-Aug-2024 1987.1 HNL
16-Aug-2024 1999.4 HNL
15-Aug-2024 1956.2 HNL
14-Aug-2024 1949.1 HNL
13-Aug-2024 1963.7 HNL
12-Aug-2024 1971.2 HNL
11-Aug-2024 1932.9 HNL
10-Aug-2024 1938.9 HNL
09-Aug-2024 1939 HNL
08-Aug-2024 1942.5 HNL
07-Aug-2024 1893.7 HNL
06-Aug-2024 1912.4 HNL
05-Aug-2024 1918.6 HNL
04-Aug-2024 1928 HNL
03-Aug-2024 1945.4 HNL
02-Aug-2024 1945.5 HNL
01-Aug-2024 1949.9 HNL
31-Jul-2024 1948.4 HNL
30-Jul-2024 1918.8 HNL
29-Jul-2024 1895.2 HNL
28-Jul-2024 1895 HNL
27-Jul-2024 1895 HNL
26-Jul-2024 1897 HNL
25-Jul-2024 1879.7 HNL
24-Jul-2024 1907.9 HNL
23-Jul-2024 1914.6 HNL
22-Jul-2024 1905.8 HNL
21-Jul-2024 1905.8 HNL
20-Jul-2024 1905.8 HNL
19-Jul-2024 1906.4 HNL
18-Jul-2024 1944.4 HNL
17-Jul-2024 1954.8 HNL
16-Jul-2024 1963.4 HNL
15-Jul-2024 1928.5 HNL
14-Jul-2024 1913.1 HNL
13-Jul-2024 1911.5 HNL
12-Jul-2024 1914.5 HNL
11-Jul-2024 1925.2 HNL
10-Jul-2024 1890 HNL
10-Jul-2024 1890 HNL
09-Jul-2024 1880.4 HNL
09-Jul-2024 1880.4 HNL
08-Jul-2024 1877 HNL
07-Jul-2024 1903 HNL
06-Jul-2024 1896.5 HNL
05-Jul-2024 1907 HNL
04-Jul-2024 1874.4 HNL
03-Jul-2024 1879.6 HNL
02-Jul-2024 1854.4 HNL
01-Jul-2024 1853.4 HNL
30-Jun-2024 1845.1 HNL
29-Jun-2024 1848.6 HNL
28-Jun-2024 1848.6 HNL
27-Jun-2024 1849.8 HNL
26-Jun-2024 1832.1 HNL
25-Jun-2024 1850.2 HNL
24-Jun-2024 1856.3 HNL
23-Jun-2024 1839 HNL
22-Jun-2024 1839.4 HNL
21-Jun-2024 1842.9 HNL
20-Jun-2024 1891 HNL
19-Jun-2024 1868.9 HNL
18-Jun-2024 1874.9 HNL
17-Jun-2024 1840.7 HNL
16-Jun-2024 1846.6 HNL
15-Jun-2024 1846.4 HNL
14-Jun-2024 1857.8 HNL
13-Jun-2024 1835 HNL
12-Jun-2024 1847.2 HNL
11-Jun-2024 1843.3 HNL
10-Jun-2024 1838.3 HNL
09-Jun-2024 1833.3 HNL
08-Jun-2024 1827.3 HNL
07-Jun-2024 1825.3 HNL
06-Jun-2024 1891.2 HNL
05-Jun-2024 1875.6 HNL
04-Jun-2024 1852.2 HNL
03-Jun-2024 1870.6 HNL
02-Jun-2024 1845.8 HNL
01-Jun-2024 1846.2 HNL
31-May-2024 1855.2 HNL
30-May-2024 1865 HNL
29-May-2024 1860.2 HNL
28-May-2024 1874.7 HNL
27-May-2024 1865.5 HNL
26-May-2024 1855.2 HNL
25-May-2024 1849.4 HNL
24-May-2024 1850.3 HNL
23-May-2024 1855 HNL
22-May-2024 1891.8 HNL
21-May-2024 1924.1 HNL
20-May-2024 1930 HNL
19-May-2024 1914 HNL
18-May-2024 1909.1 HNL
17-May-2024 1920.9 HNL
16-May-2024 1890.9 HNL
15-May-2024 1899 HNL
14-May-2024 1870 HNL
13-May-2024 1854.5 HNL
12-May-2024 1875.2 HNL
11-May-2024 1871.9 HNL
10-May-2024 1873.5 HNL
09-May-2024 1867.7 HNL
08-May-2024 1838.4 HNL
07-May-2024 1844.5 HNL

This page presents a tabular representation of historical data, detailing the gold prices in Honduras from November 07, 2024, to May 05, 2024, covering the last six(6) months . To gain a more comprehensive understanding of gold pricing, you can adjust the parameters by choosing different karats, and varying weights. Additionally, you have the option to switch the current display to a graphical or chart format for a more visual representation.

Q: What benefits does this page provide to its users?
A: This page offers a unique view of historical gold price data from the last six(6) months in Honduras, with the ability to adjust the weight (e.g., Gram, Oz, Tola, Kilo, etc.) and karat (e.g., 24K, 23K, 21K, 18K, 14K, 10K, etc.) according to your needs. Moreover, users have the flexibility to alter the duration from the default last six(6) months to other time frames, switch the currency from Honduran lempira to others, and can also change the way the data is displayed.

Q: How does this page different from others?
A: This page differentiates itself from others through three key aspects: (1) it presents data in a tabular format, (2) it uses the Honduran lempira (HNL) as the default currency, and (3) it focuses on the last six(6) months of data.