Last 3 Months Gold Prices in Belarus

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   Last 3 Months Gold Price

Date Gold Price per Gram
Current Price 1724272.6 BYR
09-Nov-2024 1725034.4 BYR
08-Nov-2024 1724860.9 BYR
07-Nov-2024 1740432.1 BYR
06-Nov-2024 1709026.1 BYR
05-Nov-2024 1763432.2 BYR
04-Nov-2024 1758628.4 BYR
03-Nov-2024 1758557.7 BYR
02-Nov-2024 1758557.7 BYR
01-Nov-2024 1757388 BYR
31-Oct-2024 1763409.6 BYR
30-Oct-2024 1791396.6 BYR
29-Oct-2024 1783209.5 BYR
28-Oct-2024 1762426.5 BYR
27-Oct-2024 1765585 BYR
26-Oct-2024 1765585 BYR
25-Oct-2024 1764277.3 BYR
24-Oct-2024 1758429.2 BYR
23-Oct-2024 1745139.2 BYR
22-Oct-2024 1766587.6 BYR
21-Oct-2024 1747735.5 BYR
20-Oct-2024 1748931.1 BYR
19-Oct-2024 1748931.1 BYR
18-Oct-2024 1748931.1 BYR
17-Oct-2024 1730654 BYR
16-Oct-2024 1718334.7 BYR
15-Oct-2024 1711124.4 BYR
14-Oct-2024 1702358.7 BYR
13-Oct-2024 1707352 BYR
12-Oct-2024 1707352 BYR
11-Oct-2024 1707352 BYR
10-Oct-2024 1690135.6 BYR
09-Oct-2024 1675894.5 BYR
08-Oct-2024 1684859.5 BYR
07-Oct-2024 1698265 BYR
06-Oct-2024 1704286.6 BYR
05-Oct-2024 1704286.6 BYR
04-Oct-2024 1704286.6 BYR
03-Oct-2024 1706992.1 BYR
02-Oct-2024 1708663 BYR
01-Oct-2024 1711645 BYR
30-Sep-2024 1693239.6 BYR
29-Sep-2024 1705302 BYR
28-Sep-2024 1705302 BYR
27-Sep-2024 1705302 BYR
26-Sep-2024 1717403 BYR
25-Sep-2024 1707718.2 BYR
24-Sep-2024 1707724.8 BYR
23-Sep-2024 1689358 BYR
22-Sep-2024 1684551.1 BYR
21-Sep-2024 1684551.1 BYR
20-Sep-2024 1684551.1 BYR
19-Sep-2024 1662405.7 BYR
18-Sep-2024 1644626.9 BYR
17-Sep-2024 1651217.2 BYR
16-Sep-2024 1659700.2 BYR
15-Sep-2024 1658472.6 BYR
14-Sep-2024 1658472.6 BYR
13-Sep-2024 1658472.6 BYR
12-Sep-2024 1644398.8 BYR
11-Sep-2024 1614188.1 BYR
10-Sep-2024 1617388.4 BYR
09-Sep-2024 1610737.3 BYR
08-Sep-2024 1605020.8 BYR
07-Sep-2024 1605020.8 BYR
06-Sep-2024 1604236.8 BYR
05-Sep-2024 1617523.5 BYR
04-Sep-2024 1603886.6 BYR
03-Sep-2024 1602125.6 BYR
02-Sep-2024 1609696.1 BYR
01-Sep-2024 1608844.5 BYR
31-Aug-2024 1608844.5 BYR
30-Aug-2024 1608230.9 BYR
29-Aug-2024 1620364.1 BYR
28-Aug-2024 1609574.1 BYR
27-Aug-2024 1622465.5 BYR
26-Aug-2024 1618262.6 BYR
25-Aug-2024 1614702.4 BYR
24-Aug-2024 1614702.4 BYR
23-Aug-2024 1613686.9 BYR
22-Aug-2024 1596843.3 BYR
21-Aug-2024 1614560.8 BYR
20-Aug-2024 1615685.5 BYR
19-Aug-2024 1609349.1 BYR
18-Aug-2024 1611720.4 BYR
17-Aug-2024 1611720.4 BYR
16-Aug-2024 1611746.1 BYR
15-Aug-2024 1578772.1 BYR
14-Aug-2024 1573039.8 BYR
13-Aug-2024 1584144.5 BYR
12-Aug-2024 1589022.4 BYR
11-Aug-2024 1562394.5 BYR
10-Aug-2024 1562394.5 BYR
09-Aug-2024 1562458.7 BYR

This page presents a tabular representation of historical data, detailing the gold prices in Belarus from November 10, 2024, to August 10, 2024, covering the last three(3) months . To gain a more comprehensive understanding of gold pricing, you can adjust the parameters by choosing different karats, and varying weights. Additionally, you have the option to switch the current display to a graphical or chart format for a more visual representation.

Q: What benefits does this page provide to its users?
A: This page offers a unique view of historical gold price data from the last three(3) months in Belarus, with the ability to adjust the weight (e.g., Gram, Oz, Tola, Kilo, etc.) and karat (e.g., 24K, 23K, 21K, 18K, 14K, 10K, etc.) according to your needs. Moreover, users have the flexibility to alter the duration from the default last three(3) months to other time frames, switch the currency from Belarusian ruble to others, and can also change the way the data is displayed.

Q: How does this page different from others?
A: This page differentiates itself from others through three key aspects: (1) it presents data in a tabular format, (2) it uses the Belarusian ruble (BYR) as the default currency, and (3) it focuses on the last three(3) months of data.