Last 3 Months Gold Prices in Sierra Leone

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   Last 3 Months Gold Price

Date Gold Price per Gram
Current Price 1787788.3 SLL
06-Nov-2024 1790081 SLL
05-Nov-2024 1847067.6 SLL
04-Nov-2024 1842035.9 SLL
03-Nov-2024 1841961.8 SLL
02-Nov-2024 1841961.8 SLL
01-Nov-2024 1840736.7 SLL
31-Oct-2024 1847043.9 SLL
30-Oct-2024 1876358.2 SLL
29-Oct-2024 1867782.8 SLL
28-Oct-2024 1846014.2 SLL
27-Oct-2024 1849322.4 SLL
26-Oct-2024 1849322.4 SLL
25-Oct-2024 1847952.7 SLL
24-Oct-2024 1841827.2 SLL
23-Oct-2024 1827906.9 SLL
22-Oct-2024 1850372.5 SLL
21-Oct-2024 1830626.4 SLL
20-Oct-2024 1831878.6 SLL
19-Oct-2024 1831878.6 SLL
18-Oct-2024 1831878.6 SLL
17-Oct-2024 1812734.8 SLL
16-Oct-2024 1799831.1 SLL
15-Oct-2024 1792278.9 SLL
14-Oct-2024 1783097.4 SLL
13-Oct-2024 1788327.6 SLL
12-Oct-2024 1788327.6 SLL
11-Oct-2024 1788327.6 SLL
10-Oct-2024 1770294.6 SLL
09-Oct-2024 1755378.2 SLL
08-Oct-2024 1764768.3 SLL
07-Oct-2024 1778809.5 SLL
06-Oct-2024 1785116.8 SLL
05-Oct-2024 1785116.8 SLL
04-Oct-2024 1785116.8 SLL
03-Oct-2024 1787950.6 SLL
02-Oct-2024 1789700.8 SLL
01-Oct-2024 1792824.1 SLL
30-Sep-2024 1773545.8 SLL
29-Sep-2024 1786180.3 SLL
28-Sep-2024 1786180.3 SLL
27-Sep-2024 1786180.3 SLL
26-Sep-2024 1798855.3 SLL
25-Sep-2024 1788711.1 SLL
24-Sep-2024 1788718 SLL
23-Sep-2024 1769480.2 SLL
22-Sep-2024 1764445.2 SLL
21-Sep-2024 1764445.2 SLL
20-Sep-2024 1764445.2 SLL
19-Sep-2024 1741249.5 SLL
18-Sep-2024 1722627.6 SLL
17-Sep-2024 1729530.4 SLL
16-Sep-2024 1738415.7 SLL
15-Sep-2024 1737129.9 SLL
14-Sep-2024 1737129.9 SLL
13-Sep-2024 1737129.9 SLL
12-Sep-2024 1722388.7 SLL
11-Sep-2024 1690745.1 SLL
10-Sep-2024 1694097.2 SLL
09-Sep-2024 1687130.7 SLL
08-Sep-2024 1681143.1 SLL
07-Sep-2024 1681143.1 SLL
06-Sep-2024 1680321.9 SLL
05-Sep-2024 1694238.7 SLL
04-Sep-2024 1679955.1 SLL
03-Sep-2024 1678110.6 SLL
02-Sep-2024 1686040.1 SLL
01-Sep-2024 1685148.1 SLL
31-Aug-2024 1685148.1 SLL
30-Aug-2024 1684505.4 SLL
29-Aug-2024 1697214 SLL
28-Aug-2024 1685912.3 SLL
27-Aug-2024 1699415.1 SLL
26-Aug-2024 1695012.9 SLL
25-Aug-2024 1691283.8 SLL
24-Aug-2024 1691283.8 SLL
23-Aug-2024 1690220.2 SLL
22-Aug-2024 1672577.7 SLL
21-Aug-2024 1691135.5 SLL
20-Aug-2024 1692313.5 SLL
19-Aug-2024 1685676.6 SLL
18-Aug-2024 1688160.4 SLL
17-Aug-2024 1688160.4 SLL
16-Aug-2024 1688187.3 SLL
15-Aug-2024 1653649.5 SLL
14-Aug-2024 1647645.3 SLL
13-Aug-2024 1659276.7 SLL
12-Aug-2024 1664385.9 SLL
11-Aug-2024 1636495.1 SLL
10-Aug-2024 1636495.1 SLL
09-Aug-2024 1636562.3 SLL
08-Aug-2024 1634055 SLL
07-Aug-2024 1604074.2 SLL
06-Aug-2024 1609694.8 SLL

This page presents a tabular representation of historical data, detailing the gold prices in Sierra Leone from November 07, 2024, to August 07, 2024, covering the last three(3) months . To gain a more comprehensive understanding of gold pricing, you can adjust the parameters by choosing different karats, and varying weights. Additionally, you have the option to switch the current display to a graphical or chart format for a more visual representation.

Q: What benefits does this page provide to its users?
A: This page offers a unique view of historical gold price data from the last three(3) months in Sierra Leone, with the ability to adjust the weight (e.g., Gram, Oz, Tola, Kilo, etc.) and karat (e.g., 24K, 23K, 21K, 18K, 14K, 10K, etc.) according to your needs. Moreover, users have the flexibility to alter the duration from the default last three(3) months to other time frames, switch the currency from Sierra Leonean leone to others, and can also change the way the data is displayed.

Q: How does this page different from others?
A: This page differentiates itself from others through three key aspects: (1) it presents data in a tabular format, (2) it uses the Sierra Leonean leone (SLL) as the default currency, and (3) it focuses on the last three(3) months of data.