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Gold Price in Karachi Sarafa Bazar

KaratTola Price 10 Grams Price
24K =157000 PKR 134602 PKR
23K =150458 PKR 128994 PKR
22K =143917 PKR 123385 PKR
21K =137375 PKR 117777 PKR
18K =117750 PKR 100952 PKR
16K =104667 PKR 89735 PKR
14K =91583 PKR 78518 PKR
12K =78500 PKR 67301 PKR
10K =65417 PKR 56084 PKR
8K =52333 PKR 44867 PKR
6K =39250 PKR 33651 PKR
Note: The above gold rates were fixed on date: Tuesday 15th of November 2022 by Saraf Association

The tola rates are based on the following information
1 Tola = 11.664016879393 Grams
1 Tola = 0.3744149418285 Troy Ounce
1 Gram = 0.03210 Troy Ounce

24 Karat Gold Prices in different Cities

City1 Tola 1 Gram
Karachi Sarafa Bazar =157000 PKR 13460 PKR
Hyderabad Sarafa Bazar = 157000 PKR 13460 PKR
Lahore Sarafa Bazar =157000 PKR 13460 PKR
Multan Sarafa Bazar = 157000 PKR 13460 PKR
Islamabad Sarafa Bazar =157000 PKR 13460 PKR
Faisalabad Sarafa Bazar =157000 PKR 13460 PKR
Rawalpindi Sarafa Bazar = 157000 PKR 13460 PKR
Quetta Sarafa Bazar = 157000 PKR 13460 PKR
Peshawar Sarafa Bazar = 157000 PKR 13460 PKR

Today 1 USD (FOREX)= 279.903338 PKR
PKR updated on 10-Mar-2025 at 04:05:00 pm (Asia Karachi time)

Calculator of Saraf Gold

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Sarafa Market Silver Prices in Pakistan

Karat1 Tola 10 Grams
24K =1680 PKR 1440 PKR
23K =1610 PKR 1380 PKR
22K =1540 PKR 1320 PKR
21K =1470 PKR 1260 PKR
18K =1260 PKR 1080 PKR
16K =1120 PKR 960 PKR
14K =980 PKR 840 PKR
12K =840 PKR 720 PKR
10K =700 PKR 600 PKR
8K =560 PKR 480 PKR
6K =420 PKR 360 PKR

Calculator of Saraf Silver Prices

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The calculated prices are rounding to 2 decimal points, while the tabulated prices are rounded to zero(0) decimal point.

Description of Sarafa Bazar Gold Rates

Welcome to the Sarafa Bazar Gold Prices in Pakistan (Karachi, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Peshawar, Multan, Quetta, etc.) per Tola and Gram (24K, 22K, 18K, 16K, 14K, etc.). The mentioned prices were fixed on Tuesday 15th of November 2022 by Karachi Saraf & Jewellers Association. Today the 24K Tola gold price in Sarafa market is 157000.00 Rupees, while the gold per Gram price is 13460.20 Rupees. For more information about Saraf Gold Rates, visit this website.