Last 3 Months Gold Prices in Guinea (Conakry)

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   Last 3 Months Gold Price

Date Gold Price per Gram
Current Price 737010.4 GNF
06-Nov-2024 736708 GNF
05-Nov-2024 760160.9 GNF
04-Nov-2024 758090.1 GNF
03-Nov-2024 756627.3 GNF
02-Nov-2024 756627.3 GNF
01-Nov-2024 757643.2 GNF
31-Oct-2024 759582.2 GNF
30-Oct-2024 772333.5 GNF
29-Oct-2024 768470.7 GNF
28-Oct-2024 758786.9 GNF
27-Oct-2024 762180.5 GNF
26-Oct-2024 762182.2 GNF
25-Oct-2024 761617.7 GNF
24-Oct-2024 757862.2 GNF
23-Oct-2024 751986.6 GNF
22-Oct-2024 761367.1 GNF
21-Oct-2024 752985.7 GNF
20-Oct-2024 753909.8 GNF
19-Oct-2024 753909.8 GNF
18-Oct-2024 753909.8 GNF
17-Oct-2024 745916.8 GNF
16-Oct-2024 740602.3 GNF
15-Oct-2024 738039.9 GNF
14-Oct-2024 733743.9 GNF
13-Oct-2024 736346.8 GNF
12-Oct-2024 736498.1 GNF
11-Oct-2024 736498.1 GNF
10-Oct-2024 728845.3 GNF
09-Oct-2024 722656.7 GNF
08-Oct-2024 726441.6 GNF
07-Oct-2024 731729.2 GNF
06-Oct-2024 738007.9 GNF
05-Oct-2024 738007.9 GNF
04-Oct-2024 734452.2 GNF
03-Oct-2024 736024.6 GNF
02-Oct-2024 740393.5 GNF
01-Oct-2024 741685.6 GNF
30-Sep-2024 730061.7 GNF
29-Sep-2024 735378.6 GNF
28-Sep-2024 735315.7 GNF
27-Sep-2024 735315.7 GNF
26-Sep-2024 740932.1 GNF
25-Sep-2024 736446.7 GNF
24-Sep-2024 737193.1 GNF
23-Sep-2024 729423.9 GNF
22-Sep-2024 725838.5 GNF
21-Sep-2024 725838.5 GNF
20-Sep-2024 727189.2 GNF
19-Sep-2024 718514 GNF
18-Sep-2024 710377.9 GNF
17-Sep-2024 713766.7 GNF
16-Sep-2024 717103.2 GNF
15-Sep-2024 717025.6 GNF
14-Sep-2024 716218.4 GNF
13-Sep-2024 716572.8 GNF
12-Sep-2024 710432.7 GNF
11-Sep-2024 696812.1 GNF
10-Sep-2024 698529.9 GNF
09-Sep-2024 695493.4 GNF
08-Sep-2024 693295.5 GNF
07-Sep-2024 693640.7 GNF
06-Sep-2024 691576.7 GNF
05-Sep-2024 697659.8 GNF
04-Sep-2024 691185.4 GNF
03-Sep-2024 691074.3 GNF
02-Sep-2024 694214.7 GNF
01-Sep-2024 694315.2 GNF
31-Aug-2024 693322 GNF
30-Aug-2024 693057.5 GNF
29-Aug-2024 699486.9 GNF
28-Aug-2024 693677.8 GNF
27-Aug-2024 698885 GNF
26-Aug-2024 697131.3 GNF
25-Aug-2024 691061.9 GNF
24-Aug-2024 696128.7 GNF
23-Aug-2024 695690.9 GNF
22-Aug-2024 688167.7 GNF
21-Aug-2024 695876.9 GNF
20-Aug-2024 695039.8 GNF
19-Aug-2024 693448.4 GNF
18-Aug-2024 692224.7 GNF
17-Aug-2024 691590.3 GNF
16-Aug-2024 694773.7 GNF
15-Aug-2024 679965.2 GNF
14-Aug-2024 677652.8 GNF
13-Aug-2024 682490.4 GNF
12-Aug-2024 684640.9 GNF
11-Aug-2024 672601.6 GNF
10-Aug-2024 673499.7 GNF
09-Aug-2024 673527.4 GNF
08-Aug-2024 671765.3 GNF
07-Aug-2024 659207.5 GNF
06-Aug-2024 661773.9 GNF

This page presents a tabular representation of historical data, detailing the gold prices in Guinea (Conakry) from November 07, 2024, to August 07, 2024, covering the last three(3) months . To gain a more comprehensive understanding of gold pricing, you can adjust the parameters by choosing different karats, and varying weights. Additionally, you have the option to switch the current display to a graphical or chart format for a more visual representation.

Q: What benefits does this page provide to its users?
A: This page offers a unique view of historical gold price data from the last three(3) months in Guinea (Conakry), with the ability to adjust the weight (e.g., Gram, Oz, Tola, Kilo, etc.) and karat (e.g., 24K, 23K, 21K, 18K, 14K, 10K, etc.) according to your needs. Moreover, users have the flexibility to alter the duration from the default last three(3) months to other time frames, switch the currency from Guinean franc to others, and can also change the way the data is displayed.

Q: How does this page different from others?
A: This page differentiates itself from others through three key aspects: (1) it presents data in a tabular format, (2) it uses the Guinean franc (GNF) as the default currency, and (3) it focuses on the last three(3) months of data.