Last 6 Months Gold Prices in Cambodia

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   Last 6 Months Gold Price

Date Gold Price per Gram
Current Price 346185.3 KHR
06-Nov-2024 347439.4 KHR
05-Nov-2024 358940.4 KHR
04-Nov-2024 357962.6 KHR
03-Nov-2024 356559.8 KHR
02-Nov-2024 356559.8 KHR
01-Nov-2024 358149 KHR
31-Oct-2024 357843.4 KHR
30-Oct-2024 363675.3 KHR
29-Oct-2024 362285.5 KHR
28-Oct-2024 357767 KHR
27-Oct-2024 358925.3 KHR
26-Oct-2024 358925.3 KHR
25-Oct-2024 358659.4 KHR
24-Oct-2024 356926.8 KHR
23-Oct-2024 354445.4 KHR
22-Oct-2024 358585.9 KHR
21-Oct-2024 354296 KHR
20-Oct-2024 354853 KHR
19-Oct-2024 354853 KHR
18-Oct-2024 354853 KHR
17-Oct-2024 350930.2 KHR
16-Oct-2024 348504.6 KHR
15-Oct-2024 347448 KHR
14-Oct-2024 345487.8 KHR
13-Oct-2024 346686.4 KHR
12-Oct-2024 346672.6 KHR
11-Oct-2024 346672.6 KHR
10-Oct-2024 343444 KHR
09-Oct-2024 340491.9 KHR
08-Oct-2024 341842.3 KHR
07-Oct-2024 344827.3 KHR
06-Oct-2024 346951.6 KHR
05-Oct-2024 346951.6 KHR
04-Oct-2024 345624.6 KHR
03-Oct-2024 346295.1 KHR
02-Oct-2024 347339.3 KHR
01-Oct-2024 347558.9 KHR
30-Sep-2024 343545.7 KHR
29-Sep-2024 346008.9 KHR
28-Sep-2024 346256.4 KHR
27-Sep-2024 346256.4 KHR
26-Sep-2024 348596 KHR
25-Sep-2024 346817.2 KHR
24-Sep-2024 347083.7 KHR
23-Sep-2024 343079.9 KHR
22-Sep-2024 341194.9 KHR
21-Sep-2024 341194.9 KHR
20-Sep-2024 341837.3 KHR
19-Sep-2024 337710.3 KHR
18-Sep-2024 333754.4 KHR
17-Sep-2024 335104.4 KHR
16-Sep-2024 337826.1 KHR
15-Sep-2024 336526.1 KHR
14-Sep-2024 336747.8 KHR
13-Sep-2024 336747.8 KHR
12-Sep-2024 333802.2 KHR
11-Sep-2024 327805.4 KHR
10-Sep-2024 328908.6 KHR
09-Sep-2024 327840.1 KHR
08-Sep-2024 326928.1 KHR
07-Sep-2024 326986.1 KHR
06-Sep-2024 326536.7 KHR
05-Sep-2024 329535 KHR
04-Sep-2024 325798.8 KHR
03-Sep-2024 324805.5 KHR
02-Sep-2024 326645.1 KHR
01-Sep-2024 326456.7 KHR
31-Aug-2024 326269.2 KHR
30-Aug-2024 326144.7 KHR
29-Aug-2024 329045.4 KHR
28-Aug-2024 326836 KHR
27-Aug-2024 330225.4 KHR
26-Aug-2024 329451.4 KHR
25-Aug-2024 326834.1 KHR
24-Aug-2024 326834.1 KHR
23-Aug-2024 329669.3 KHR
22-Aug-2024 326140.5 KHR
21-Aug-2024 330031.8 KHR
20-Aug-2024 329937.7 KHR
19-Aug-2024 329115.7 KHR
18-Aug-2024 328697.9 KHR
17-Aug-2024 328354.2 KHR
16-Aug-2024 330077.9 KHR
15-Aug-2024 323034 KHR
14-Aug-2024 321721.4 KHR
13-Aug-2024 324038.1 KHR
12-Aug-2024 325749 KHR
11-Aug-2024 319978.7 KHR
10-Aug-2024 320829.4 KHR
09-Aug-2024 320842.5 KHR
08-Aug-2024 320024 KHR
07-Aug-2024 314184.8 KHR
06-Aug-2024 315652.4 KHR
05-Aug-2024 317901.7 KHR
04-Aug-2024 319819.6 KHR
03-Aug-2024 319206.3 KHR
02-Aug-2024 322297.5 KHR
01-Aug-2024 322956.3 KHR
31-Jul-2024 322681.4 KHR
30-Jul-2024 317991.6 KHR
29-Jul-2024 313953.6 KHR
28-Jul-2024 313941.3 KHR
27-Jul-2024 313941.3 KHR
26-Jul-2024 314280.9 KHR
25-Jul-2024 311816.2 KHR
24-Jul-2024 316405.6 KHR
23-Jul-2024 317888.8 KHR
22-Jul-2024 316466.3 KHR
21-Jul-2024 316586.3 KHR
20-Jul-2024 316161 KHR
19-Jul-2024 316264.5 KHR
18-Jul-2024 322396.9 KHR
17-Jul-2024 323985.1 KHR
16-Jul-2024 325465.9 KHR
15-Jul-2024 319506.4 KHR
14-Jul-2024 317190.8 KHR
13-Jul-2024 316846.8 KHR
12-Jul-2024 317339.6 KHR
11-Jul-2024 318430.5 KHR
10-Jul-2024 312836.3 KHR
10-Jul-2024 312836.3 KHR
09-Jul-2024 312451.4 KHR
09-Jul-2024 312451.4 KHR
08-Jul-2024 312147.9 KHR
07-Jul-2024 316463 KHR
06-Jul-2024 315370.6 KHR
05-Jul-2024 315721.7 KHR
04-Jul-2024 311680.7 KHR
03-Jul-2024 311745.4 KHR
02-Jul-2024 307818.5 KHR
01-Jul-2024 307805.7 KHR
30-Jun-2024 306365.5 KHR
29-Jun-2024 306844.4 KHR
28-Jun-2024 306844.4 KHR
27-Jun-2024 307191.8 KHR
26-Jun-2024 303417.4 KHR
25-Jun-2024 306715.1 KHR
24-Jun-2024 308457 KHR
23-Jun-2024 306474.2 KHR
22-Jun-2024 306535.6 KHR
21-Jun-2024 307759.6 KHR
20-Jun-2024 312456.8 KHR
19-Jun-2024 308474.5 KHR
18-Jun-2024 308067.2 KHR
17-Jun-2024 306657.9 KHR
16-Jun-2024 307704.2 KHR
15-Jun-2024 307670.9 KHR
14-Jun-2024 308216.8 KHR
13-Jun-2024 304784.2 KHR
12-Jun-2024 306909.5 KHR
11-Jun-2024 306233.6 KHR
10-Jun-2024 307346 KHR
09-Jun-2024 304809.8 KHR
08-Jun-2024 304696 KHR
07-Jun-2024 302677.1 KHR
06-Jun-2024 313457.5 KHR
05-Jun-2024 310892.2 KHR
04-Jun-2024 306728.6 KHR
03-Jun-2024 309458.4 KHR
02-Jun-2024 305547.9 KHR
01-Jun-2024 305846.3 KHR
31-May-2024 306202.4 KHR
30-May-2024 307780.2 KHR
29-May-2024 306759.1 KHR
28-May-2024 309552 KHR
27-May-2024 307862.4 KHR
26-May-2024 305970.9 KHR
25-May-2024 305260.3 KHR
24-May-2024 305421 KHR
23-May-2024 305144.4 KHR
22-May-2024 311584.8 KHR
21-May-2024 316794.2 KHR
20-May-2024 317629.6 KHR
19-May-2024 315261.8 KHR
18-May-2024 314436 KHR
17-May-2024 316494.6 KHR
16-May-2024 311364.4 KHR
15-May-2024 312726.6 KHR
14-May-2024 308630.5 KHR
13-May-2024 305852.9 KHR
12-May-2024 309151.1 KHR
11-May-2024 308614.5 KHR
10-May-2024 308879.8 KHR
09-May-2024 307143.1 KHR
08-May-2024 302113.5 KHR
07-May-2024 302903.9 KHR

This page presents a tabular representation of historical data, detailing the gold prices in Cambodia from November 07, 2024, to May 05, 2024, covering the last six(6) months . To gain a more comprehensive understanding of gold pricing, you can adjust the parameters by choosing different karats, and varying weights. Additionally, you have the option to switch the current display to a graphical or chart format for a more visual representation.

Q: What benefits does this page provide to its users?
A: This page offers a unique view of historical gold price data from the last six(6) months in Cambodia, with the ability to adjust the weight (e.g., Gram, Oz, Tola, Kilo, etc.) and karat (e.g., 24K, 23K, 21K, 18K, 14K, 10K, etc.) according to your needs. Moreover, users have the flexibility to alter the duration from the default last six(6) months to other time frames, switch the currency from Cambodian riel to others, and can also change the way the data is displayed.

Q: How does this page different from others?
A: This page differentiates itself from others through three key aspects: (1) it presents data in a tabular format, (2) it uses the Cambodian riel (KHR) as the default currency, and (3) it focuses on the last six(6) months of data.