Last 6 Months Gold Prices in Uganda

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   Last 6 Months Gold Price

Date Gold Price per Gram
Current Price 321560.8 UGX
04-Nov-2024 321683 UGX
03-Nov-2024 321200.5 UGX
02-Nov-2024 321200.5 UGX
01-Nov-2024 321434 UGX
31-Oct-2024 322291.4 UGX
30-Oct-2024 328212.2 UGX
29-Oct-2024 326501 UGX
28-Oct-2024 322435.2 UGX
27-Oct-2024 324142 UGX
26-Oct-2024 324142 UGX
25-Oct-2024 323902 UGX
24-Oct-2024 322116.7 UGX
23-Oct-2024 319412.4 UGX
22-Oct-2024 323464.4 UGX
21-Oct-2024 319965.3 UGX
20-Oct-2024 320468.4 UGX
19-Oct-2024 320468.4 UGX
18-Oct-2024 320468.4 UGX
17-Oct-2024 317486.3 UGX
16-Oct-2024 314968.7 UGX
15-Oct-2024 313731.9 UGX
14-Oct-2024 311702.9 UGX
13-Oct-2024 313616.9 UGX
12-Oct-2024 313616.9 UGX
11-Oct-2024 313616.9 UGX
10-Oct-2024 310361.6 UGX
09-Oct-2024 307676 UGX
08-Oct-2024 309360.6 UGX
07-Oct-2024 311611.1 UGX
06-Oct-2024 313463.9 UGX
05-Oct-2024 313463.9 UGX
04-Oct-2024 312077.6 UGX
03-Oct-2024 312449.5 UGX
02-Oct-2024 313364.2 UGX
01-Oct-2024 313376.2 UGX
30-Sep-2024 312012 UGX
29-Sep-2024 314638.3 UGX
28-Sep-2024 314638.3 UGX
27-Sep-2024 314638.3 UGX
26-Sep-2024 316829.5 UGX
25-Sep-2024 315007.5 UGX
24-Sep-2024 315685.8 UGX
23-Sep-2024 311928.3 UGX
22-Sep-2024 311233.9 UGX
21-Sep-2024 311828.7 UGX
20-Sep-2024 312723.5 UGX
19-Sep-2024 308799 UGX
18-Sep-2024 305661.9 UGX
17-Sep-2024 306891 UGX
16-Sep-2024 308143.4 UGX
15-Sep-2024 308173.9 UGX
14-Sep-2024 307825.6 UGX
13-Sep-2024 307775 UGX
12-Sep-2024 305683 UGX
11-Sep-2024 299829.9 UGX
10-Sep-2024 300276.8 UGX
09-Sep-2024 298824.1 UGX
08-Sep-2024 298151.9 UGX
07-Sep-2024 298151.9 UGX
06-Sep-2024 297708.5 UGX
05-Sep-2024 300229.8 UGX
04-Sep-2024 297663.8 UGX
03-Sep-2024 298337 UGX
02-Sep-2024 299263.5 UGX
01-Sep-2024 299118.3 UGX
31-Aug-2024 298658.2 UGX
30-Aug-2024 298544.3 UGX
29-Aug-2024 301558.2 UGX
28-Aug-2024 299029.6 UGX
27-Aug-2024 300775.6 UGX
26-Aug-2024 300081 UGX
25-Aug-2024 297261.8 UGX
24-Aug-2024 299737.8 UGX
23-Aug-2024 299549.3 UGX
22-Aug-2024 296572.2 UGX
21-Aug-2024 300202.7 UGX
20-Aug-2024 299714 UGX
19-Aug-2024 299289.5 UGX
18-Aug-2024 298588.1 UGX
17-Aug-2024 299763.4 UGX
16-Aug-2024 299768.1 UGX
15-Aug-2024 293620.4 UGX
14-Aug-2024 292694.2 UGX
13-Aug-2024 295041.8 UGX
12-Aug-2024 296161 UGX
11-Aug-2024 290793.1 UGX
10-Aug-2024 290793.1 UGX
09-Aug-2024 290805 UGX
08-Aug-2024 290619.1 UGX
07-Aug-2024 284903.2 UGX
06-Aug-2024 286002.7 UGX
05-Aug-2024 288466.1 UGX
04-Aug-2024 289480.9 UGX
03-Aug-2024 291965.5 UGX
02-Aug-2024 291987.6 UGX
01-Aug-2024 293054.3 UGX
31-Jul-2024 292265.5 UGX
30-Jul-2024 288076.1 UGX
29-Jul-2024 285130.7 UGX
28-Jul-2024 285459.9 UGX
27-Jul-2024 285459.9 UGX
26-Jul-2024 285765.2 UGX
25-Jul-2024 283675.2 UGX
24-Jul-2024 284828.8 UGX
23-Jul-2024 285796 UGX
22-Jul-2024 284359 UGX
21-Jul-2024 284347.6 UGX
20-Jul-2024 284347.6 UGX
19-Jul-2024 284441.3 UGX
18-Jul-2024 289660 UGX
17-Jul-2024 291866.3 UGX
16-Jul-2024 292890.7 UGX
15-Jul-2024 287673.3 UGX
14-Jul-2024 285523.2 UGX
13-Jul-2024 286309.9 UGX
12-Jul-2024 286384.7 UGX
11-Jul-2024 286821.9 UGX
10-Jul-2024 281966.7 UGX
10-Jul-2024 281966.7 UGX
09-Jul-2024 281311.2 UGX
09-Jul-2024 281311.2 UGX
08-Jul-2024 281174.3 UGX
07-Jul-2024 284234.5 UGX
06-Jul-2024 283253.1 UGX
05-Jul-2024 283572 UGX
04-Jul-2024 280008.4 UGX
03-Jul-2024 279458.7 UGX
02-Jul-2024 276813.2 UGX
01-Jul-2024 278139.2 UGX
30-Jun-2024 276507.7 UGX
29-Jun-2024 277086.3 UGX
28-Jun-2024 277086.3 UGX
27-Jun-2024 277254.6 UGX
26-Jun-2024 274146.7 UGX
25-Jun-2024 276156.7 UGX
24-Jun-2024 279909.7 UGX
23-Jun-2024 278774.5 UGX
22-Jun-2024 278830.4 UGX
21-Jun-2024 279371 UGX
20-Jun-2024 283626.1 UGX
19-Jun-2024 279417.8 UGX
18-Jun-2024 277995.9 UGX
17-Jun-2024 275861.5 UGX
16-Jun-2024 277535.4 UGX
15-Jun-2024 277505.1 UGX
14-Jun-2024 278042.5 UGX
13-Jun-2024 276368.3 UGX
12-Jun-2024 279884.5 UGX
11-Jun-2024 280307.3 UGX
10-Jun-2024 279670.2 UGX
09-Jun-2024 281354.1 UGX
08-Jun-2024 280940.1 UGX
07-Jun-2024 278744.3 UGX
06-Jun-2024 289016.3 UGX
05-Jun-2024 288425.2 UGX
04-Jun-2024 284548.4 UGX
03-Jun-2024 287753.6 UGX
02-Jun-2024 284222.1 UGX
01-Jun-2024 284566 UGX
31-May-2024 284650.6 UGX
30-May-2024 287377.8 UGX
29-May-2024 286388.2 UGX
28-May-2024 289004.5 UGX
27-May-2024 286466.4 UGX
26-May-2024 285373.9 UGX
25-May-2024 284756.6 UGX
24-May-2024 284904.2 UGX
23-May-2024 286236.8 UGX
22-May-2024 291472 UGX
21-May-2024 295874.8 UGX
20-May-2024 296069.8 UGX
19-May-2024 291134 UGX
18-May-2024 290676 UGX
17-May-2024 292557.5 UGX
16-May-2024 287121.9 UGX
15-May-2024 288659.4 UGX
14-May-2024 283951.7 UGX
13-May-2024 282746.5 UGX
12-May-2024 286767.6 UGX
11-May-2024 286268.6 UGX
10-May-2024 286516.6 UGX
09-May-2024 284886.8 UGX
08-May-2024 280264.4 UGX
07-May-2024 279802.5 UGX
06-May-2024 281475.3 UGX
05-May-2024 278837 UGX

This page presents a tabular representation of historical data, detailing the gold prices in Uganda from November 05, 2024, to May 03, 2024, covering the last six(6) months . To gain a more comprehensive understanding of gold pricing, you can adjust the parameters by choosing different karats, and varying weights. Additionally, you have the option to switch the current display to a graphical or chart format for a more visual representation.

Q: What benefits does this page provide to its users?
A: This page offers a unique view of historical gold price data from the last six(6) months in Uganda, with the ability to adjust the weight (e.g., Gram, Oz, Tola, Kilo, etc.) and karat (e.g., 24K, 23K, 21K, 18K, 14K, 10K, etc.) according to your needs. Moreover, users have the flexibility to alter the duration from the default last six(6) months to other time frames, switch the currency from Ugandan shilling to others, and can also change the way the data is displayed.

Q: How does this page different from others?
A: This page differentiates itself from others through three key aspects: (1) it presents data in a tabular format, (2) it uses the Ugandan shilling (UGX) as the default currency, and (3) it focuses on the last six(6) months of data.